A modern ERP solution can supercharge your organization. But its implementation is one of the most complex and high-risk projects your organization will ever undertake. And it is extremely easy to make mistakes.

These are The Seven Deadly Sins of ERP Implementation:

Common Mistake #1: Poor project planning

It’s not possible to overstate how essential proper project planning is to success.

Common Mistake #2: Less-than-thorough requirements gathering

Comprehensive requirements gathering is the foundation of successful implementations

Common Mistake #3: Excluding critical users from the process

When users and functional managers are involved, you get critical decisions correct.

Common Mistake #4: Not prioritizing the user experience

The new generation of users expects an Amazon- or Apple-like experience from their ERP system

Common Mistake #5: Failing to consider an industry-specific solution

Some ERP vendors understand your business at a deep level – and offer important and useful features.

Common Mistake #6: Providing inadequate internal support

A successful rollout is achieved with top-to-bottom buy-in, committed resources and proper budget.

Common Mistake #7: Neglecting change management

Resistance to change is normal, and plans must be made to minimize its impact.